Etiwanda Foothill Master Plan - Rancho Cucamonga, CA
The City required Lewis Operating Corporation to prepare an overall conceptual master plan on their property in order to approve the first phase of the development, a 106 unit townhome neighborhood on approximately 9.7 acres. The Galloway Group prepared a master plan for the 22+ acre site featuring an activity core along both sides of Etiwanda Avenue that incorporated village commercial, Main street commercial, mixed use (vertical) residential/commercial and live work residential into a lifestyle center in a land use pattern that supported the proposed traditional neighborhood of townhomes. The illustrative concept plan by The Galloway Group which provided a logical extension of the surrounding land uses and established a community vision that reflected the historical context of the site including the historic Route 66, creating a sustainable balance of land uses consistent with the City's General Plan and encourages a walk-able environment with public art and open space areas.